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Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Download Exercises Problem of SMA National Exam (UN) -2011

Announcement of the National Selection Sign universities in South Sumatra province can be accessed via the "online" starting at 00.00, Saturday at dawn.

"This evening promptly at 12 pm we can be seen by the students in our official webside," said chairman of the student admissions committee UNSRI, Zulkifli Dahlan, in Kilkenny, Friday.

He said the graduation announcement file is sent directly SNMPTN huge selection committee of the National Higher Education Entrance Affairs (SNMPTN) the central level.

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"Shipping will be carried out simultaneously to all provinces by the central committee at six o'clock this evening. Then, we are a regional committee would" download "at nine o'clock at night. And just in general can be accessed by the public at 12 o'clock tonight also, "he said.

He was informed, in the year 2010 this Sriwijaya University students receive approximately 29 thousand people through the SNMPTN.

"In a joint committee meeting at the central level a few days ago, it was decided UNSRI quota of less than 3000 students. For students who do not re-register the bench will be left empty," he said. Read More...

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Unsri Registration 2010

Despite the announced result of selection via the Internet, the State University of Diponegoro University, Semarang and Semarang, still announce the results of University Entrance Selection Affairs (SNMPTN) 2010 manually on the print media. Insight watchlist Saturday morning, many of which mrema newspaper seller offers SNMPTN placard around campus Undip and Unnes Sekaran. So did their parents or prospective students who joined the test are still many who are looking for a newspaper, although an announcement could be seen on the internet.

"SNMPTN 2010 Announcement of results can be accessed online, but still put up Unnes Undip and announcements in newspapers," said Chairman of the Committee for Local 42 SNMPTN Semarang, Supriadi Rustad, overnight. He said the participants can see the announcement of the results SNMPTN 2010 through an online site that is provided, namely www.snmptn.ac.id begin Friday (16 / 7) at 18:00 pm.

However, he said, the participants are usually not enough when just looking on the internet and choose to see in the papers, so it still will facilitate this. In the new admissions through the path SNMPTN, he said, Undip provide quota for new students as much as 1619 people from a total quota of 8305 students.

"Unnes provide a quota of new students through SNMPTN of 1345 people, of the total quota of new students as many as 4859 people," said Supriadi who is also Vice Rector (PR) I Unnes it.

Snmptn Registration

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Participants Passed SNMPTN 2010 2910 Sriwijaya University

A total of 2910 participants of the National Selection Sign in Higher Education Affairs (SNMPTN) of 15 thousand participants passed the entrance UNSRI. That number, said Rector Prof. UNSRI Badia Perizade MBA, has dilebihkan approximately 10-15 percent of the total quota of 2880 UNSRI actual people.

"We deliberately exaggerating to anticipate the participants who did not re-list. It's based on our experience in previous years," he said Purek I accompanied Prof. Zulkifli Dahlan UNSRI DEA and other echelons, last night. Of the number who graduated, 2388 people are participants who did the test in Kilkenny.

"That's what we announce tomorrow (today). The rest, 522 people are participants who test outside SNMPTN Sumsel but chose to go UNSRI. They can check pass or not in the area where yesterday's test or check the website www.snmptn.ac.id . UNSRI can not access it, "Ashrafi said.

Those who pass are given a chance to re-register starting July 19 to 26 next, at 8:00 until 15:00 pm. Registration of participants re-done in the Campus UNSRI Inderalaya. "There is no second call, for which no means resigned to re-apply," he said.

Re-schedule list, the first day (July 19) from the Faculty of Economics (FE) and the Faculty of Engineering (FT). Both FT and FK Day, the third day of FK, FKM (Faculty of Public Health) and FKIP. Fourth day FKIP and Social Politics and the fifth day of the Faculty of Agriculture (FP), the sixth day and the Faculty of Law Faculty of Computer Science, Science Faculty and the last day.

To reset the list, participants must provide a medical examination costs Rp145 thousand, 500 thousand register, DPU (University Development Fund), 700 thousand, and SPP Rp740 thousand. There again depending on the faculty, namely DPF (Faculty Development Fund) between 500 thousand to Rp30 million and DPL (Institutions Development Fund) between Rp1 million and Rp2 25, 2 million.

That way, other than another administration that must be completed, participants should prepare a graduation re-listing fees. Ie the lowest cost re-list the Faculty of Economics, Rp2.085.000, was the most expensive of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine Department Rp34.285.000. Online, the names of participants who graduated SNMPTN can be accessed via the official website www.unsri.ac.id began last night, at 00.00 pm.

Participants enter the number of examinees living and the results will be directly viewed. "It could also read the papers tomorrow (today)," he said. For those who do not graduate, can take entrance exams (USM) UNSRI. Zulkifli added, for students who graduated in 1001 the number of people majoring in social studies. Most 302 people to the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and Social Politics 220 people 151 people. Who's who graduated in the science stream is the remainder.

"Most people in the Faculty of Engineering 535, Faculty of Agriculture, 442 people, 320 men and Science Faculty, Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Medicine 195 people and 168 people," he explained. How many new students UNSRI Inderalaya total this year? He said, new students are accepted through lane UNSRI Penelurusan Interests and Achievements (PMP) as many as 462 people who re-apply.

Received through the Regional Partnership Scholarship Program (PBKD) as many as 20 people, and Scholarships Aim Mission 335 people. "Quotas for Scholarships Aim Mission South Sumatra's 400 people. This means that there are still idle funds for 65 new students in this program. The funds will we give to 65 new students who graduated SNMPTN, but less capable of economic family," he said.

In total, the new students who studied at UNSRI Inderalaya this year will increase by 3727 people. This scholarship is for prospective new students in the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Science, who could not otherwise afford this education, but doing well in school. To that end, participants are asked to bring copies of family cards (KK), a certificate from the village elder is not able to photograph 3 x 4 as many as three pieces.

Also a photocopy of the semester until the semester report card that has legalized the headmaster (principal). Then the principal recommendations that provide information that the student's achievement but a parent / guardian are economically disadvantaged. "The file is delivered in BAAK UNSRI on Monday, July 19th, 2010 at the latest at 16.00 pm," Zulkifli added.

Universitas Sriwijaya

The idea to have a college in South Sumatra have been around since the early 1950s, which triggered a reception on one occasion of Independence Day celebrations on August 17, 1952. Initiated by some community leaders, was transformed into an agreement to form a "Committee Fakultet South Sumatra." Toward the end of August 1952, based on several considerations, determined that the first will be established is the faculty of economics. For that formed "Committee for Economic Fakultet South Sumatra" which is managed by a foundation that was established on April 1, 1953 with the name "Foundation Syakhyakirti Higher Education."

Opening Fakultet Economic officially under Syakhyakirti High School Foundation was held on October 31, 1953 in a ceremony attended by Mr. Hadi, Secretary General of Ministry of Education Teaching and Culture (KDP), Drg. M. Isa (Governor of South Sumatra), Bambang Utoyo (Commander of the Sriwijaya II TT) and Ali Gathmyr (Chairman of the Parliament of South Sumatra).

Efforts to complete college in South Sumatra was continued by the Foundation of Higher Education Syakhyakirti by establishing the Faculty of Law Implementation Committee. On November 1, 1957, coinciding with the anniversary celebration IV Faculty of Economics, diresmikanlah faculty with the name 'Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge. "

Development continued with the help of Territorial II Sriwijaya Military Authorities that provide financial assistance for pushing to establish a permanent building Syakhyakirti Higher Education Foundation in Big Hill (now UNSRI Hill Campus). The first stone laying ceremony took place on October 31, 1957

The next effort is penegerian existing colleges such. With the persistent struggle of community leaders Sumsel when it, among others, Colonel Aaron Sohar (Commander as Chairman Paperda TT II / Sriwijaya) and A. Bastari (Governor), there amsih obstacles to the establishment of state universities in Palembang can be overcome. A delegation was sent to Jakarta in December 1959 to meet the Minister of KDP (Mr. Moh Yamin) successfully obtained a guarantee of the government's willingness to take over college Syakhyakirti became a state university. Government Regulation No. 42 In 1960 dated October 29, 1960 (No. 1960 State Lambaran. 135) finally stood at Sriwijaya University which was inaugurated held on 3 November 1960 in the signing ceremony by President Sukarno, the founding charter, witnessed by Minister of KDP (Mr. Priyono) and several Ambassadors friendly countries. As the first elected President of the University of Drg. M. Jesus, who was appointed by Presidential Decree No. 696 / M of 1960 dated 29 Okober 1960

To meet the demands of development, UNSRI then plans to add campuses, outside the existing Big Hill, by freeing the land area of 712 hectares, in Indealaya, Ogan Ilir Komering (Now Ogan Ilir-OI), in 1982. Construction of a new campus was started in 1983 with a grant Asian Development Bank (ADB), which physically started in 1989 and ended on December 31, 1993. South Sumatra Governor Ramli Hasan Basri H gave his inaugural lecture marks the beginning of new academic activities on campus this Inderalaya on 1 September 1993. Utilization of facilities at the Campus Inderalaya fully implemented by the Rector Decree in January 1995 which stipulated that starting on February 1, 1995 all activities of administration and the majority of academic activities held at the Campus Inderalaya. Campus Inauguration of new real UNSRI Indralaya held on March 6, 1997 by President Suharto.

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

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